Formatting Services

Tailor your manuscript for your target journal.

Author guidelines are highly specific for each journal, and trying to carefully adapt your text and references to meet these specifications can be time-consuming. Our formatting experts assist by modifying your page layout, text and table formatting, headings, title page, image placement, and citations/references to conform to the guidelines of your target journal. We also check to ensure that your title, running head, abstract, main text, and figure legends comply with the journal’s word count restrictions. Formatting is completed in 4 days and can be ordered as an add-on to editing or translation or as a stand-alone service.

What We Do

See below for an example of the formatting service we provide.

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Our formatting service includes

Formatting of main text, citations, end references, and tables

Adjustments to page layout, font, and spacing between sections and lines of text

Formatting of headings and verifying that all required sections are present

Ensuring that all required information is present on the title page

Validating word count, image, and reference number limits

Ensuring appropriate placement of tables and figures

Our Quality Guarantee

We guarantee that our editing service will improve the language quality of your manuscript to publication-ready levels. If after our editing and formatting services, your paper is rejected solely due to language or formatting errors, we will work on your manuscript again for free.


You can add Formatting to your order for Editing or Translation services or select it as a stand-alone service. Please tell us which journal you plan to submit your manuscript to when uploading your documents.


What is the difference between Formatting and Editing?+
English language editing services correct the grammar, phrasing, and word choice errors in your manuscript. Our academic formatting specialists do not perform language editing, but rather ensure that your manuscript meets journal author guidelines covering aspects such as layout, citations, and references.
What if my references are in the wrong order? My citations use numbers (e.g., 1) but the journal’s citations use names (e.g., (Author, 2011)). Will you fix this?+
Yes. We will reorder your citations and references as needed and convert citations and references to your target journal’s format. If necessary, we will fix incorrect information in references based on information in published databases.
My manuscript contains tables that require formatting. Do I need to order the Artwork Editing Service?+
Our Formatting Service includes formatting tables. However, any modification of artwork/images/graphs will require the Artwork Editing service.
Do you check to ensure that ethical or policy considerations are met?+
No, our Formatting service does not include checking for ethical or policy considerations or any documentation required for clinical trials. We focus on the formatting of the manuscript itself, which includes layout, citation, and reference formatting in accordance with journal guidelines.
If I order Formatting, will you help me reduce word count?+
No, word count reduction is not included in our Formatting service.
Will you format my manuscript if it is not written in English?+
No, we only offer formatting for manuscripts written in English. However, you can add Formatting as a complement to our Translation Services.
Can you format equations in my manuscript?+
No, unfortunately we cannot format equations at this time.
Why does my formatted manuscript look different from papers published in my target journal?+
We format manuscripts according to the journal’s guidelines for submission. Once a paper is accepted, the journal may perform copyediting and typesetting of the formatted paper to get it ready for publication, resulting in a different appearance for published articles

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